Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Pancakes..... And Mommy of the year

So today I decided we would have breakfast for dinner....(my absolute fav) I was thinking bacon, eggs and toast...MMMM BACON;) So I picked my kids up and told them of my plan. They were not thrilled at all!!! I even said I would make happy faces out of them... I thought I would hear cheers of excitement.... nope not even close. Cam said, "Mom how come you never make pancakes like Grandma does for us?" I said, "I don't know why?" Then Jaycee said, "It's because you don't love us like Grandma does!!!" I was stunned! Actually, no I wasn't because my Mom does spoil my kids! I said, "Fine.... pancakes it is!" So then Bryn wanted them how I make them on valentines day. That consists of red food coloring and heart shaped cookie cutters. On Valentines everything we eat is either pink, red or white. This past valentines I had the flu... the kind they suck the boogers out of your nose and test.... the actually flu! I prayed for death that day and I don't ever remember what we did because I was soooo drugged. I didn't want to find the cookie cutters so I suggested we would just color them. Well we had to do 2 colors because my girls decided on purple and Cam thought that they were girl pancakes.... so he wanted green. So I made green and purple pancakes! And they looked sick and the gel food coloring I used made the consistency weird! But my kids were so excited! Camden said to me, "I think you just won bestest mom of the whole day!" And Bryn said, "Nuh uh like the whole year!" I had no idea that such an award could be won by a little food coloring!;) I took some pics and no I didn't eat them. I ate raw cookie dough and a peach fresca!......... (dinner of champions)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Blah Blah Blah

Well it has been a while since I last blogged! So here is the low down.... I recently was laid off from my job, and I was really nervous. But then shortly later realized that this is one of those blessings that comes looking a lot like a trial! Um yeah I seem to get a lot of those.... but it reminds me that Heavenly Father hasn't forgotten about me! So anyways, I have decided to go back to school and finish my RN. Well the way my luck goes I might have to start over.... which I am totally ok with because I have been out of school for sooooo long!!! The downer part to that is that I have to wait till January to start:( so I have a crap load of free time!!!! I have the Vegas Half Marathon coming up in about 8 weeks and I am no where near being ready ahhhhhh! But the free time is helping me get some miles in..... I am worried about my endurance more than anything. I would like to finish in 2 hours. Which would mean I need to run a 9.16 min. My last race I was a minute faster than that but it was only 5 miles not 13.1. I think my goal is attainable, but it will be my first half. But I am seriously scared. And I would like to thank my team for keeping me motivated and for being such good friends to me. I love running but sometimes I feel like it consumes me. I want to be faster, but I only have so much time. If anyone can help me find balance or give me advice..... my ears are open.