Well this past weekens I ran the SL half. I was really nervous the race was not going to happen because of all the bad publicity in the news. But when I got my race packet I knew there was no way they would cancel it. I felt a little more prepared for this race than I did the Canyonlands half. I had still been running, although, not as much as I have wanted to. Well the race started out great and the first 9 miles flew by! I was amazed at how quickly and how nice the route was. The only part that totally sucked was the stretch up State Street, it had an incline the whole time. At times I felt I probably could have waled faster than I was running. But once we got to the top I told Nicholle...let's go. We ran the last mile hard. About 3/4 the way through the last mile I saw my Mom, Dad and Bryn. They high fived Nicholle and I, and we took off again. The people surrounding the Gateway were just cheering us on and I felt the wave of emotions again, Nicholle and I finished hand in hand again!:) They announced our names as we crossed, which I thought was way cool, and our team was waiting for us! We took a finishers photo together and got our medals. I then found the Taggarts who had Jaycee and Camden with them. And Camden told me he had heard my name called, and the Taggarts said he yelled "that's my mom!" I took 17 minutes off my previous time of 2:34 and finished 2:17, which I feel sooo good about! Can't wait to do it again!