So I was out with my friend Allie at the mall and she introduced me to the "Elf on the Shelf" book. It has a kinda creepy elf that sits on your shelf and flies home to Santa to report if you've been good or not. He comes back everyday and sits in a new place to watch you. You cannot touch him or he leaves, but you can talk to him.
I went home that day and talked to Sue about it and she said it is a tradition from Denmark and that she had heard of it, but didn't know there was a book. Well, the next day Sue had bought the book. She wrapped it and placed it on the doorstep, then the kids discovered it!!!
They were so excited!!!! There is a cute website where you can go and register and name your elf. We named our elf Denny...because he comes from Denmark.
The kids have had so much fun searching for Denny every morning. I even caught Jaycee reading him a story from a Christmas book...it was so sweet! I LOVE that all my kids still believe in Santa. I do think Bryn is on the fence though.
How cute is that?! Maybe I'll get an elf for my apartment. Think my roommates would go for it? ;)
It can't hurt! It has been the funnest and cutest tradition I have started with my kids!
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