Sunday, July 12, 2009

So wise beyond her years

Today Bryn asked me to mail a letter to her Dad. I being a little sneaky read it....Only because I wanted to make a copy to show the Judge when I take SD (sperm donor) back to court.

It read...

Dad I've had some hard times. My Birthday is tomorrow I'll turn 9 and I don't want to spend the rest of my life in an apartment town home I want to live in a house with my own room. And I want a dog a mini. huskey and money for my birthday OK or a toy like littlest pet shops or a D.S. game like Phieneiss and Ferb or a makup designer.



Ok so we may need to work on her punctuation. But this absolutely breaks my heart. It has been 1 year since SD has seen his kids. And at this point I would rather him not.

Does anyone have any advice?