Last week I read a book that came highly recommended from my friend Lisa. She described to me a book that had made her think a lot about religion. Lisa and I have had a few discussions about religion, I try and defend my LDS beliefs, while she believes in God but not organized religion. I love Lisa dearly and we always end up agreeing to disagree:)
The book is called The Shack. It did not look very appealing to me at first. But we shouldn't judge a book by its cover. ( something the book made me think a lot about )
The little girl that dies in this book is named Melissa Anne. I am Melissa Ann. ( I always wished I had an ( e ) at the end of my Ann...it's sort of a Anne of Green Gables thing. ) I do not think that this was a coincidence. I payed mare attention to this book because of her name. A lot of this book reached to the deepest part of me and made me study myself form the inside out.
Religion to me is something that can never be taken away from you. You can lose your home, job, sight and even family. But in religion all of those exist. Religion can be your home, job, make you see things, and I know that because of my religion that families are forever.
The biggest thought this book brought to the surface was JUDGEMENT. I judge people, we all do. But I catch myself retracting a lot of those judgements now. In this book it says that when we judge...we are judging God. This is so true! We are commanded not to judge. This book talks a lot about forgiveness. I need to work on this A LOT. Especially when it comes to my ex husband!! I truly want him to rot in hell for what he has done to his kids. But he can be forgiven...but can I forgive him? I'll work on it.
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