Monday, October 26, 2009

Principles Showcase

About a 3 weeks ago when I was picking up Jaycee form school she came running FAST to the car. Jaycee never runs, she is my lally gagger and works at her own pace on everything. She said she had something to show me. I was in a hurry as usual and asked her what it was. She had a grin from ear to ear and was begging me to come with her. Well Jaycee has these BIG beautiful blue eyes that allows her to get almost anything she wants.

So I reluctantly followed her back into the school, all the way to the back and she showed me a large bulletin board entitled "PRINCIPLEs SHOWCASE." In the bottom left corner was a paper Jaycee had drawn! She was soo flippin' excited!! It was the cutest thing.

I asked the ladies in the office exactly what the Principles Showcase was. They explained that every class displays artwork outside their classroom, and as the principle walks by the classrooms he picks the best art work. Then after they are displayed he calls the kids to the office and gives them a pencil, and congratulates them on their job well done.

My favorite part about Jaycees work is the spelling on the different fruits and vegetables. She is adorable!!

Congrats to my aspiring artist Jaycee!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Jaycee and Mommy's night out

Little late posting this! OOOPs

When Jaycee was going through her testing I decided the night before her endoscopy that I would take her out to do something fun. She needed the distraction and I rarely get to spend time with her alone. Oh ok! It was me who needed the distraction too!:)

We decided to invite Payton and Lori to go with us and make it a girls night out. We went to this little restaurant in Orem called 12th and 7 pizza. I love it!! Then we took the girls to Build a Bear and let the girls make bears. Jaycee made a cute bear with leaves on it that she named FALL. It is cute and she dressed it like The Little Mermaid.

The distraction helped and she took FALL back to surgery with her. The pics of her coming out of surgery make me sad:( She was very brave and I love my little Caiters!!


I bought my kids all coats this weekend because they are on sale and Old Navy has graciously upped our discount for 2 weeks. I found Camden these gloves that match his coat at Gap (I also get a GREAT discount there) They have finger holes with the ends cut out and the a mitten that cover them.

I bought them on Friday and he hasn't taken them off since. I even caught him trying to get in the tub with them. He has also slept in them every night!!! So I snapped a pick!

He is such a weird little cutie!!

What a Weekend

This past weekend we did a lot of fun things! Oh and it has been a while since I have blogged anything.

Allie invited us to go to Hee Haw Farms with her, her kids and Brandee. It was a blast! My kids had a lot of fun and have talked about wanting to go back everyday! We did a corn maze, train ride, hay rides and lots of way cute fun stuff. I am really thinking about going back in the next couple of weeks.

Then on Saturday I got organized! I know that that might not seem like a lot of fun, but to me it is fun! It is something thing that has been driving me crazy since we moved here! (8 months) I love the feeling after you're organized!
On Sunday I went to church. Well I trued to but apparently it was stake conference and I was not aware:) You get points for trying though...right? Then I took dinner out to my parents and Camden was crying because his mouth hurt. I looked in his mouth and found about 5 cancers and some weird dots in his mouth. So I took him to his Doctor and he has hand, foot and mouth! OH and he actually has about 10 cancers!!!! The poor little guy has not been able to eat for about 3 days:( he will only eat Popsicles. I feel so bad for him. But I am glad that we were able to do something fun before he got sick!

Thanks for inviting us Allie!

Friday, October 2, 2009

So frustrated....

So a few years ago I loaned someone Camden's preemie clothes with the only condition being that I wanted them back. This person promised me that they would return them. The majority of these items were from Gymboree because I worked there. These were the clothes that I had picked to save for Camden. Which in hind sight I never should have loaned them out!:(

The problem is that this person lied to me for 2 1/2 years that they had them and would store them for me because I have had a storage unit until recently. But I have asked for them 10,000 times and they have always had an excuse. But now my heart is broken and I am so freakin mad! But really what can they do to make up for it? How mad should I be? How much of this is my fault? But now I have zero, none, zilch clothes for my special little guy! I have been crying all night.

Hopefully I will be over it soon:(